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International Publications-2005-03-07

Prof.Dr. Bilge IŞIK



 (19-73) IŞIK B., (2005), “Investigating the Earthquake Safety of Alker Wall” Proceeding, Earth Building 2005, University of Technology, Sydney, 19-20 January



 (18-71) IŞIK B., (2004), “Alker-Eco Earthen Building” Spain, PROMA-fitec R&D Fair, 8.11.2004


(17-70) IŞIK B., (2004), “Bam Disaster and Lab research on Dissipation of Energy on Existing Earthen Building” Proceeding, Germany, LEHM’04, 27.10.04 – 03.11.04



 (16-67) IŞIK B., (2003), “Case Study on Alker (earth) Shooting Technology” Proceeding, 9th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architecture-Terra 2003, ICHO (Iran Cultural Heritage Organization), Yezd-Iran, 29Nov-5Dec 2003)



 (15-66) IŞIK B., (2001): “Education Program-Experimental Study with the gypsum stabilized earthen

wall material: Alker for Sustainable Habitat –II,” proceeding, Earthen Architecture Education in the World: Current Status and Future Action, CRATerre-EAG Grenoble-France, 2-5 October 2001


(14-65) IŞIK B., (2001): “Experimental Study with the gypsum stabilized earthen wall material: Alker

for sustainable habitat” Proceeding, Science Conference 2001, Yemeni Scientific Research foundation (YSRF) San’a, 11-13 October 2001,



 (13-60) IŞIK, B.(2000): “Earthquake Behavior of the (Gypsum Stabilized Earth) Alker construction”

 Abstract-5, Earthquake Safe, International Conference on the Seismic Performance of Traditional

Buildings. UNESCO-TR Department of Cultural Affairs-ICOMOS; The Marmara Istanbul,

16-18.November 2000, pp39


(12-59) IŞIK, B. (2000):  “Lehmbaukultur und Gibsverstaerkte Lehm (Alker) Bauten in der Türkei”

Proceeding, Lehm 2000, Berlin, 17-18 November 2000



 (11-51) IŞIK, B., HELVACI G., (1999): “Role of Culture and Tradition in the Development of

Housing in the GAP Area of Turkey” proceeding, IAHS World Congress on Housing “Housing Issues and Challenges for the New Millennium, San Francisco, USA, June 1-7 1999


(10-50) IŞIK, B, ÖZDEMİR, P., BODUROĞLU, H., (1999): "Earthquakes Aspects of Proposing

Gypsum Stabilized Earth (Alker) Construction for Housing in the Southeast (GAP) Area of Turkey", Proceeding, Workshop on Recent Earthquakes and Disaster Prevention Management, Earthquake Disaster Prevention Research Center Project (JICA), General Directorate of Disaster Affairs (GDDA), Disaster Management Implementation and Research Center (METU). Ankara 10-12 March, 99


 (09-34) IŞIK, B., (1998) “Ecological Aspects of Proposing Gypsum Stabilized Earth (Alker)

Construction for Housing in the South East (GAP) Area of Turkey” Proceeding, International Conference, Eco-materials for Sustainable Habitat, Havana, CUBA, November 23-27, 1998


(08-33) IŞIK, B.,(1998)“Earth as a Wall Material and its Impact on Pollution” Poster-4 and Proceeding, CIB World Building Congress’98, Gaevle, Sweden, 7-12 June 1998


(07-32) IŞIK, B., CANKAN O., (1998)“Tensile Architecture in Turkey: a Regional Survey of the

Growing Market” Proceeding, TECHTEXTILE



 (06-25) IŞIK, B.,(1997) “Building Intelligent Houses: the Mechanization of Adobe Construction”, Proceeding, SCI Arc, Los Angeles, February 14, 1997



 (05-23) IŞIK, B., (1996)“Mechanization of Gypsum Adobe Construction-Conclusion Remark of the

Research’96”; Proceeding, XXIV. IAHS Congress, How to House a Nation: the XXI. Century, METU, Ankara, 27 May 1996



 (04-22) IŞIK, B., (1995)“Mechanization of Gypsum Adobe Construction” Proceeding, XXIII. IAHS

 World Housing Congress, Singapore, Suntec City, 25 September 1995   28


1993   Assoc. Prof. Degree                                                                                                                                              

(03-18) IŞIK, B.(1993):“Outdoor-Plaster Applications on Gypsum & Adobe Wall”  proceeding and Poster-2 CIB Congress, Vanquver, Canada, 20/26 June 1993


1991 PhD. Degree                                                                                                                                                                           



 (02-23) IŞIK, B.,(1990):  “Energieverlust der Lehnmbau Häuser” Proceeding,  Poster-1, Invited

Speaker, Energie, Umwelt und Bauen - Symposium, IB Institute für Bauen, Hannover - Germany,




 (01-04) IŞIK, B., (1984): “Zielsetzung in Technologie Ausbildung” Proceeding, Welt

Konferenz über die Ausbildung in der Angewandten Ingenieurwissenschaften, World Congress, Köln

Germany, 16 April 1984